I have been wanting to share this for a long time. Its so unbelievably easy and versatile, not to mention, delicious. Straining yogurt removes the whey. Depending on how long you let the yogurt sit will determine its thickness: a few hours will give a Greek yogurt consistency while sitting overnight or longer will create a tangy cream cheese consistency.
Aiming to eat fermented foods with every meal, or at least once a day, is one of the simplest ways to drastically improve digestion. The whey that is removed can be added to fermented foods such as sauerkraut to increase the range of healthy bacteria. The cheese itself is amazing mixed with honey or garlic and herbs. It is a great source of healthy bacteria, protein, and calcium.
To make the yogurt cheese simply add a quart of full fat yogurt to a thin cloth or several layers of cheese cloth laid over a strainer. Alternatively, you can gather the cloth around the cheese, tie with a rubber band and suspend over a bowl to collect the whey.
Let sit over night until about half of the volume is strained out in whey. Pour the whey into a jar to use later. Store the cheese in an airtight container or follow the traditional Greek method of rolling it into small balls, and then covering them with olive oil and chopped herbs.